A World Without Tears- A Reader for children to learn Child Rights
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A World Without Tears- A Reader for children to learn Child Rights
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A World Without Tears- A Reader for children to learn Child Rights
Every child has a right to an opinion, play, rest and recreation. Children should be aware of their rights. This is an attractive storybook, illustrated with inspiring paintings created by children. It gives a vision of a world where all children are cared for and protected, have equal opportunities to grow and develop and participate actively to create a just, fair and harmonious society. The book enables and encourages them to spread awareness and initiate action.

- Theme: Children's story, Child Rights, Empowerment of the child
- Useful For: Teachers, Young children aged 10 to 18, Parents, programme implementers of child rights
- Format: Booklet
- Size: 30 x 21 cm. 26 pages
- Language: English / Hindi

My Rights, My Responsibilities; Learning to Teach Child Rights
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English / Hindi
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My Rights, My Responsibilities; Learning to Teach Child Rights
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My Rights, My Responsibilities; Learning to Teach Child Rights
Trainers’ manual and Resource Book: This is a set of material on child rights experiencing a dearth of training material on Child Rights in the Indian context. The manual comprising seven training modules is a detailed and thorough hand holding guide for teaching Child Rights. It provides basic information about child rights to a trainer and showcases participatory activities to make learning interesting. It is accompanied by a resource book for trainers.

- Theme: Child Rights - Indian and UN Perspective, Principles of UN-CRC, Child's right to Survival, Education & Development, Protection, Participation, Rights based programming and advocacy.
- Useful For: Trainers and implementers of child rights programmes of Non Government and Government programmes, Teachers in schools and colleges
- Format: Manual Book, Resource book - Spiral bound book
- Size: Manual - 28 x 17 cm, 108 pages. Resource book - 29.5 x 21.5 cm, 88 pages.
- Language: English / Hindi

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Booklets on Child Rights
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Booklets on Child Rights
This set of eight booklets encompasses concept and information on child rights. They highlight the role of different stakeholders who play an important role in availing the rights of children. The booklets are useful in sensitization and capacity building of individuals, organizations, and policymakers who are working towards actualizing Child Rights.

- Theme: Right to protection, right to being heard, right to survival, right to education, right to development, right to participation.
- Useful For: Parents, programme implementers of Non-Government and Government Organisations, academicians, Health professionals, Corporates, Policy and lawmakers and enforcers, media representatives
- Format: Booklets
- Size: 21 x 9 cm, 16 pages
- Language: English

Every Right for Every Child-Girl Child First!! – A Poster Campaign
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English / Gujarati
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Every Right for Every Child-Girl Child First!! – A Poster Campaign
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Every Right for Every Child-Girl Child First!! – A Poster Campaign
This is a set of 16 posters emphasizing the rights of the Girlchild, focusing on the alarming discrimination and neglect in India. The set of posters strives to sensitize a cross-section of stakeholders and advocate for the rights of the girl child.

- Theme: Right to food and nutrition, Right to education, Gender biased sex selection, Right to survival, Right to protection, Freedom from child labour etc.
- Useful For: Parents, Elected leaders, Professionals from Non Government and Government Organisations working on the issue of child rights/girl child, NGOs
- Format: Multi coloured Posters
- Size: 56 x 43 cm
- Language: English / Gujarati

Posters: Child Health and Nutrition
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Gujarati / Hindi
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Posters: Child Health and Nutrition
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Posters: Child Health and Nutrition
This is a set of 10 colourfully illustrated posters to educate the community in preventive and promotive aspects of child health and nutrition with a special focus on healthy eating habits, nutrition, personal hygiene, and cleanliness.

- Theme: Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Cleanliness
- Useful For: Anganwadi Workers, ASHAs, Link workers, Community Health Workers, Schools teachers, Field Educators.
- Format: Multi coloured illustrative Poster Exhibition printed on paper as well as flex material
- Size: 10 Posters - 43 x 58 cm each
- Language: Gujarati / Hindi

Nutrition booklet and Exhibition
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Gujarati / Hindi
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Nutrition booklet and Exhibition
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Nutrition booklet and Exhibition
Illustrated and written in simple language, this is a booklet developed on the subject of nutrition. It promotes the importance of balanced diet among children and adolescents. It describes the importance of different food groups along with their nutritive values that help to keep nutritional deficiency diseases away; and their importance for growth and development of children. A set of 12 interactive posters is also developed based on the theme of nutrition.

- Theme: Food groups, nutritive values of foods, food hygiene and importance of food during illness.
- Useful For: Teachers, Children, Auxiliary Nurse Midwives, ASHAs, Anganwadi Workers, Crèche workers, Parents.
- Format: Booklet and Multicolored illustrative Poster Exhibition
- Size: Booklet Size: 24 x 17 cm, 12 pages. Poster Size: 56.5 x 43.5 cm, 12 posters
- Language: Gujarati / Hindi

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Our Daughters, Our Pride
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Our Daughters, Our Pride
Gujarati Garba* to create awareness about the importance of girl child Sex selection is the worst form of violence against women. To reduce gender discrimination and neglect of girls, CHETNA has developed a set of awareness material in different forms. Gujarat is known the world over for the celebration of Navratri; a nine-day dance (Garba; the folk song of Gujarat) festival. CHETNA has recorded Garbas describing the importance of the girl child, on a Compact Disc (CD), along with a booklet.

- Theme: Valuing the girl child, survival, health nutrition, education and development concerns faced by girls
- Useful For: Parents, Community, Youth, All Citizens
- Format: Compact Disc and Booklet
- Language: Gujarati

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Posters on Girl Child
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Posters on Girl Child
This is a set of three posters highlighting that gender-biased sex selection is illegal, the scenario of poor sex ratio in Gujarat and the responsibility of all the citizens/people; families, Young people, etc. to stop gender-biased sex selection.

- Theme: Welcoming the birth of a girl child, Not indulging in gender-biased sex selection.
- Useful For: Programme functionaries of Government and Non-Government organizations, Community leaders, Teachers, Parents, Youth organizations
- Format: Poster
- Size: 56 x 43 cm
- Language: Gujarati

Getting Ready for School
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English / Gujarati / Hindi
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Getting Ready for School
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Getting Ready for School
This manual provides practical, experience-based guidance to those who work in the field of child development, especially early childhood education. Field-based experiences in addition to theoretical aspects provide a self-explanatory, complete source of information relevant to pre-school education, which would be useful to early childhood education and development workers.

- Theme: Developmental stages and dimensions; physical, cognitive, emotional during early years of childhood, the importance of early childhood education
- Useful For: Pre-school educators, field-based early childhood education and development workers, Anganwadi workers, academicians, students of child development, parents and pre-school/ECCD trainers, Child development programme functionaries of Government and Non-Government organizations
- Format: Book
- Size: 30 x 21 cm, 68 pages
- Language: English / Gujarati / Hindi

Planning Effective Pre-school Education
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English / Gujarati / Hindi
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Planning Effective Pre-school Education
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Planning Effective Pre-school Education
This guide is developed based on the experience of training child development functionaries; ICDS functionaries, Balwadi workers, and Day Care centre workers. It helps in enhancing understanding about the importance of planning pre-school education in an early childhood education and development centre; Anganwadi, Balwadi or Day Care Centre. This manual is useful for annual planning, a weekly planning and daily lesson planning in early childhood education and development centres.
- Themes:
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- Theme: Importance and principles of planning pre-school education
- Useful For: ICDS functionaries, pre-school Educative centres, organisations, trainers of pre-school functionaries, parents and individuals as well as Child development students
- Format: Book
- Size: 21 x 27.5 cm, 36 pages
- Language: English / Gujarati / Hindi