The Universal Childbirth Picture Book
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English / Gujarati / Hindi
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The Universal Childbirth Picture Book
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The Universal Childbirth Picture Book
Knowing about the process of conception, pregnancy, and childbirth is an empowering process, especially for women. The Universal Childbirth Picture Book narrates the reproductive process in an illustrative form with technical details; highly simplified. Childbirth Picture Book is translated into nine Indian languages.

- Theme: Pregnancy and childbirth, reproductive health, gender equality.
- Useful For: Trainers and health educators of Non-Government and Government Organisations, Auxiliary Nurse Midwife, ASHAs, Link Workers, Paramedics, self-reading.
- Format: Booklet
- Size: 28 x 21.5 cm, 73 pages
- Language: English / Gujarati / Hindi

Reflections- A Workbook for Adolescents
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English / Gujarati / Hindi
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Reflections- A Workbook for Adolescents
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Reflections- A Workbook for Adolescents
Adolescence is characterized by cognitive, emotional, physical, intellectual and attitudinal changes. Adolescents face changes in their social roles, relationship, and expectations. Girls face challenges to reach their optimum potential. Reflections, a workbook is designed for adolescents to help them to arrive at answers to the questions that arise during the adolescence phase and learn about important life skills like decision making, communication, negotiation, etc. It helps to raise questions against gender inequality.

- Theme: Friendship, Family, Education and career, Life skills, Sex and gender, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Contraception, Violence against girls and women, Marriage, Divorce, etc.
- Useful For: Adolescents, Young adults, Trainers from Non-Government and Government Organisations, Parents, Self-learning.
- Format: Workbook
- Size: English: 26.5 x 23.5 cm. 30 pages, Hindi, Gujarati: 30.5 x 21.5 cm, 56 pages
- Language: English / Gujarati / Hindi

Apron on Female Reproductive System and Process of Menstruation
English / Gujarati / Hindi
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Apron on Female Reproductive System and Process of Menstruation
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Apron on Female Reproductive System and Process of Menstruation
This cloth apron is an excellent educational tool to impart scientific information about the female reproductive system to young girls and women, and also to young boys and men. It is worn on the body to enable visual literacy of where and how the system is placed in the human body. It can best be used with the Flip Book on Growing Up For Young Girls.

- Theme: Female reproductive system and process of menstruation.
- Useful For: Auxiliary Midwives, ASHAs, Anganwadi workers, Link workers, Peer educators, Field Trainers and Educators of adolescent health programmes.
- Format: Cloth apron (Five flap)
- Size: 66.5 x 42.5 cm
- Language: English / Gujarati / Hindi

Apron on Male Reproductive System
Hindi / Gujarati / English
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Apron on Male Reproductive System
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Apron on Male Reproductive System
This cloth apron is an educational tool to impart scientific information about the male reproductive system to adolescent boys and girls and men and women. The apron also gives crucial information about non-scalpel vasectomy and the use of a condom for safe sex.

- Theme: Male reproductive system, non scalpel vasectomy, use of condom.
- Useful For: Auxiliary Midwives, ASHAs, Anganwadi workers, Link workers, Peer educators, Field Trainers and Educators of adolescent health programmes.
- Format: Cloth apron on (Eight flap)
- Size: 66.5 x 42.5 cm
- Language: Hindi / Gujarati / English

Flip Book on growing up for young girls
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Flip Book on growing up for young girls
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Flip Book on growing up for young girls
This flip book has been developed to assist young girls to understand the process of growing. Information on menstruation along with much-needed guidance related to care during menstruation is depicted pictorially. It also highlights the need for gender equality for the overall development of an adolescent girl. The flipbook has been developed specifically with the understanding to ease the mental and emotional trauma young girls experience during the onset of puberty.

- Theme: Puberty, care during menstruation, gender equality, life Skills
- Useful For: Auxiliary Midwives, ASHAs, Anganwadi workers, Link workers, Peer educators, Field Trainers and Educators of adolescent health programmes, Self learning
- Format: Spiral bound Flip book
- Size: 21 x 30 cm, 32 pages
- Language: Gujarati

Empowering Adolescents: Learning About Life
English / Hindi / Gujarati
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Empowering Adolescents: Learning About Life
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Empowering Adolescents: Learning About Life
This training manual has been developed to train marginalized adolescents. It is based on CHETNA’s work with marginalized adolescents in Ahmedabad city. The purpose was to make adolescent girls aware of their optimum potential, to develop their self-esteem, and to enthuse them to plan their future with self-confidence.

- Theme: Self, family and community, values, family and friends, community, communication, environment, health and hygiene, puberty and adolescence, marriage, work and employment, legal rights, planning for the future.
- Useful For: Trainers of adolescent health programmes, Teachers, Programme implementers.
- Format: Book
- Size: 27.5 x 21 cm, 130 pages
- Language: English / Hindi / Gujarati

UDAAN- Training Manual for Young Educators on Reproductive and Sexual Health
Hindi / Gujarati
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UDAAN- Training Manual for Young Educators on Reproductive and Sexual Health
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UDAAN- Training Manual for Young Educators on Reproductive and Sexual Health
UDAAN is a training manual, developed based on CHETNA’s work with Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan in Mehsana district of Gujarat state. The manual provides a unique opportunity for young people to reflect on their views of self, their relationships with family and partners and receive updated scientific information about reproductive and sexual health.

- Theme: Gender, life skills education integration, self development, tips for learning and teaching, reproductive and sexual health, participatory learning methods, active learning.
- Useful For: National Service Volunteers, Peer educators, Trainers of adolescent health and development programmes
- Format: Book
- Size: 27.5 x 21.5 cm, 24 pages
- Language: Hindi / Gujarati

Life Useful Education Material for Adolescents
Hindi / Gujarati / English
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Life Useful Education Material for Adolescents
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Life Useful Education Material for Adolescents
These are a set of four flip books in pictorial format with minimum text. It covers issues like teenage pregnancy, gender equality, abortion and sex determination. They provide important scientific information. Each issue is presented in the form of a story which ends with raising questions to generate discussion and dialogue among adolescents on Gender Equality perspective.

- Theme: Adolescent pregnancy, sex determination, gender discrimination, and abortion
- Useful For: Auxiliary Nurse midwives, ASHAs, Anganwadi workers, Peer educators, Parents, adolescent health programme implementers from government and non government organisations.
- Format: Spiral-bound flipbook specially designed to impart information, with one side text and other side illustration
- Size: 25 x 33.5 cm, 10 pages
- Language: Hindi / Gujarati / English

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Story on Prevention of Anaemia
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Story on Prevention of Anaemia
A flexible chart which can be displayed on a wall has been developed depicting the social factors that influence the causes for anaemia. This chart is in an illustrative story form with minimum use of text. It has been developed in consultation with the community.

- Theme: Causes, prevention and treatment of nutritional Anaemia.
- Useful For: Peer educators of adolescent health programmes, Auxiliary Nurse Midwifes, ASHAs, Anganwadi workers, Community Health Workers, Teachers, Parents
- Format: Illustrative story Chart to be displayed in health centres, schools, feeding centres etc
- Size: 90 x 58 cm
- Language: Gujarati

Poster on Prevention of Anaemia (3D)
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Poster on Prevention of Anaemia (3D)
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Poster on Prevention of Anaemia (3D)
This poster is designed to increase awareness on the prevention of anaemia, a condition that directly affects the overall health of young girls and women. The attractive three-dimensional poster is the first of its kind and has generated a good amount of interest among all stakeholders. The poster reflects the image of a young anaemic girl; by changing the angle of the poster the image changes into a healthy looking girl with messages on the prevention of anaemia. At the back of the poster, information and illustration about the causes, symptoms, and prevention of anaemia in adolescence are provided.

- Theme: Causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of nutritional Anaemia.
- Useful For: Peer educators of adolescent health programmes, Auxiliary Nurse Midwives, ASHAs, Anganwadi workers, Community Health Workers, teachers, Parents
- Format: 3D poster
- Size: 48.4 x 34.4 cm
- Language: Gujarati